Pecan cookies with cherry jam

Do you have a flavor that every time you taste it, it immediately transports you to a different time in your life?

For me, it’s these Pecan cookies, they are crumbly and moist at the same time. Remember when you tried cookie dough for the first time? Whether you sneak in a taste when your parent was not looking or they gave you a chance to try it… that flavor will always take you back to those moments. When I make this dough, the experience just takes me back to my childhood.

I know you’ve experienced something similar!

The cookies are really easy to make and require very common ingredients. I had to adjust the recipe a little bit from my mom’s original one. One of the cutest things from reading through her recipes is how she uses “large” or “a little” because she knew exactly the measures of ingredients by heart.
This one is my best attempts at standardizing the recipe and adding measurements. Hope you try making them!

Pecan cookies with cherry jam

1 cup of butter room temperature
half cup of sugar
3 egg separated (yolks and whites will be used separately)
2 cups of all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
half teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup finely chopped pecans
1 cup cherry or strawberry jam

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees.

Place softened butter in a mixing bowl and using a mixer, blend in the sugar until its soft and creamy. Add the egg yolks one at a time making sure they all blend in. Add vanilla extract and mix in.
In a separate bowl, place the flour and the baking powder and give them a whisk to mix together.
Start adding the flour mixture to the softened butter little by little while constantly mixing.
The dough will be smooth but easy to mold.

Shaping the cookies

Set up your cookie sheets either greasing them or using a silicone pad. Place the finely chopped pecans in a bowl and the egg whites in a separate bowl.
I measured my cookies with about a heaping tablespoon each. Using your hands, make a ball and then softly flatten it so that the final cookie is about 1.5 inch round.
Dip the cookie in the egg whites and roll one side into the pecans. Place the cookie on the prepped sheet (pecan-side up) and using your index finger, push in the middle of the circle to make a little well. Make sure you don’t push all the way, the well needs to be just deep enough to hold the jam.
Repeat the process until you finish with all the dough. It can render about 25-30 cookies depending on size.
Finally, take a teaspoon of jam and place it inside the well you made in the middle of the cookie.
Bake them for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Place them on a cooling rack for 20 min or until hardened.


Buen Provecho!

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